201. Kokomo Dodgers Baseball

(The 1956 Kokomo Dodgers in Highland Park's baseball stadium)

The baseball in the child's bedroom was signed by the 1958 Kokomo Dodgers. They competed in the Midwest League as a "Single A" farm team for the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Dodgers played their home games in Highland Park from 1956 to 1961. After the 1961 season the team disbanded due to low attendance.

(above) 1957 advertising and promotional photo featuring 5 Dodgers and Virginia McClamroch, who later wrote, "I remember [this photo] very vividly. It was taken the summer of 1957 and I was plugging Carrier air-conditioning. They made a big to-do over me, gave me the key to the city and I did a lot of publicity stuff, including going to the baseball game and, I think, kissing the captain of the team. . . . My mother got the whole package put together and it was kind of fun. I was truly a celebrity!!!"

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